Friday, July 23, 2010

STEM Bridge

Hi Everyone:

It was such a great experience for me to work with all of you the past two weeks. I truly enjoyed it. Check out the sideshow I put together with all of the pictures from the two weeks of STEM Bridge. I hope you have a fantastic summer. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

STEM Bridge

So, what did you think of the field trip to ARINC?

Enter a comment on this blog about your experience at ARINC. What did you learn about that actually relates to the Cisco curriculum chapter 4?

Also, what was your favorite part of this trip?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

STEM Bridge

Greetings STEM Students. I hope you are having a fantastic weekend....... As we prepare for week two of STEM camp, think about the field trip to ARINC we will take on Tuesday. Take some time to to become familiar with ARINC Go on-line and do a little research about the company. We will meet several Networking Engineers who will tour us through their 24/7 global data center. I would like you to think of at least two questions to ask focusing on the things we've learned in class. You might want to ask questions about the media, devices, security, ISP, POP, speed, etc.

What questions will you ask? Post some sample questions and share what you have learned about researching ARINC.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

STEM Bridge

Welcome STEM students..... Please post your comments to this post on my blog. We have learned so much in such a short time. You are all doing a wonderful job and it's a pleasure to be able to teach you about Computer Networking.

This week, our main focus is learning about ISPs and how we connect to them. We must have a variety of media and devices to be successful when connecting to the Internet. As you think about what we have learned so far, what types of users and organizations connect to the internet through an ISP?

What is the most common media used in today's home to connect to the Internet?

I also introduced you to iEARN and all about telecollaborative projects in the classroom. From the list you viewed, what projects look interesting to you?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Delicious Tutorial

What is a Social Bookmark? How can I use it in the classroom?

As an educator, we are most likely familiar with bookmarks and favorites in the browser we use on our school computer. In no time at all, there can be a lengthy list of unorganized Web sites and folders we frequently use. What if you decided to take the day off and want to create a lesson plan from your home, but don’t have the same Web sites saved on your home computer’s browser? You have two sets of bookmarks/favorites, one is at school saved on your work computer and the other is on your home computer.

Social Bookmarking was created to save and organize bookmarks/favorite onto a Web-based service and not on your browser. Now you visit a Web site, which can be easily accessed from home or school, to retrieve what you need. Instead of looking in folders with various topics, you will now just type a few key word called tags (George Washington, politics, World War II, and so forth.) These sites will automatically be organized alphabetically with sites saved by other users. It will also keep a record of how often you use each tag.

There are several social bookmark sites to choose from, though I recommend using because it’s easy to use. is the most popular and best of all it’s free. However, since it does not use filters, it is only recommended that educators use it. Click here for Social Networking step-by-step directions on how to register, use tagging, and view sites.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Podcasting is another Web 2.0 technology. This technology requires software that can be downloaded from your PC or MAC from the Internet, and then transferred to an iPod or MP3 player using a podcasting application. It is a sequence of audio or video media files dispersed by the way of the Internet using RSS feeds. Podcasting can be used in the classroom to watch/listen to Talk and music shows, Interviews, story telling , audio books, tutorials and instructions, giving directions,sharing information, and providing commentaries on events.

Solutions for Classrooms -> News@Cisco Podcast

Solutions for Classrooms -> News@Cisco Podcast

Making a Difference -> News@Cisco Podcast

Making a Difference -> News@Cisco Podcast

What is a Wiki?

What is a Wiki? Most everyone has heard of Wikipedia (, which is the most recognized model of a wiki. A Wiki is an assortment of interlinked WebPages making it possible for any participant/user to freely add and edit information. It is a database where information is accumulated and easily modified by the user. From the educational perspective, a wiki makes available to the student a globally shared space where he/she can put together and develop their personal understanding on a subject/topic with the use of digital editing and revisions tools. One example of a global wiki is the Flat Classroom project, which uses Web 2.0 tools to communicate between students and teachers in geographically separate classrooms and was founded by Vicki Davis in Georgia (Westwood Schools, USA) and Julie Lindsay in Beijing, China (Qatar Academy, Qatar). Their goal was to find out how today’s turbo-charged information age contribute to the major social and economical changes occurring across the globe (Peters, 2009).

Wikis in the Classroom - Wikis in Education

Wikis in the Classroom - Wikis in Education

How we use wikis in class - Wikis in Education

How we use wikis in class - Wikis in Education

Web 2.0 Tools in Your Classroom

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

What is a blog?

What is a blog? Well, you are on a blog at this very moment. A blog is a website created for a meaningful purpose by someone or a group/organization. Depending on the design, a section of the blog displays running comments from people who post or type their comments. Blogs may also contain graphics, links, videos, slide show, etc. These items can either be included in the running posts by the person posting or designed/edited into the blog by the creator and are called Gadgets. From an educational perspective, teachers can effortlessly incorporate a blog into an existing project within the curriculum. As mentioned above, it provides a continuous flow of communications or feedback instantaneously. This allows the student to work independently in school or while at home perhaps working on homework assignments. Specific assignment directions, time-lines, documents, artifacts, or any and all criteria can be viewed 24/7, to the benefit of teacher, student, and parent. It also accommodates special-needs students who may not be able to attend in a regular school setting with media tools, such as: Podcasts, Vodcasts, and narrated slide shows.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010